
(permalink) British ‘most secret’ invasion plans seized at Iran embassy | World news |

Amid the mayhem when the British embassy in Tehran was stormed last Tuesday, a mob destroyed antique oil portraits of Queen Victoria and Edward VII, made off with a poster from the film, Pulp Fiction, but narrowly missed dog-napping the ambassador’s terrier, Pumpkin.

But the real treasure was an advance peek at Operation Overlord, the D-Day landings, which Winston Churchill and Franklin D Roosevelt provided to Stalin at the 1943 Tehran conference, where the western powers agreed to accept the Soviet domination of eastern Europe. Not the invasion plans they hoped they had found.


(permalink) Carrier IQ: How the Widespread Rootkit Can Track Everything on Your Phone, and How to Remove It

Lifehacker sums it up, without the fuss.


(permalink) The StartupBus is launching in Europe and heading to LeWeb – The Next Web

Go @saskiavideler @boskabout @wilg @a_cup_of_t and others!


(permalink) The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin | Magazine

An article only Wired can do. Despite the current fall, I remain a believer. Call me a hopeless romantic.


(permalink) Jeff Bezos Owns the Web in More Ways Than You Think | Magazine

A great interview with Amazon’s man in charge. Also read Davy’s thoughts on the matter in which he makes a great case on the difference between music and books. At first, I was moved to disagree, but the longer I think about it, the more I think he is spot on.